"Navigating Interest Rates and Lump Sum Pensions"

Take a deep 30-minute dive into a crucial, yet often overlooked aspect of retirement planning, the Federal Reserve Interest Rate.
Equip yourself with an understanding of how the Fed Rate effects broad economic conditions, but more interestingly, the collateral damage it may have on your existing retirement plans.
Demystifying Lump Sum Pension options as we paint a vivid picture of how the timing of your retirement and pension benefit may directly be effected by current Fed Rates.
Disclaimer: This is not a traditional Federal Interest Rate conversation. Viewers may experience high levels of enlightenment and out of the box perspectives that most financial professionals keep secret or fumble when guiding their clients through a comprehensive retirement plan.
Key Success Topics
Federal Rate Effects 101
Establish a fundamental understanding of why the Fed Rate drives markets and its effect on retirement accounts.
Calculating Lump Sum Pensions
Discover how interests rates have a correlated effect on pension payouts and compare Monthly vs Lump Sum pay-out options.
The Timing Factor
Prepare the timing of your pension or retirement plans to avoid negative correlated effects caused by the Federal Interest Rate.
Our 20 Year Client Focus
Beyond private individual retirement accounts and entrepreneurial business owners, we have a special focus and experience with benefit programs in both the Telecommunication and Automotive industries. This includes AT&T, Verizon, Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis.
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7:00 PM EST
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